4:00 PM (1.0 PDH)
Trenchless Installation, Post Installation Inspection, Trench and Excavation Safety
Presented by Mr. Ron Reicher with Ameritex Pipe & Products, LLC
ABSTRACT: Every day counts in delivering an infrastructure project. From safety to citizen inconvenience, every day that a project can be delivered earlier can benefit everyone involved. This discussion will present various ways to shorten delivery time for storm drainage infrastructure projects.
BIO: Ron Reichert attended Drexel University where he earned a BS in Civil Engineering. He has been heavily involved with ASCE committees and events at the local, state and national level, as well as APWA, SAME, AGC, IAI, and numerous other engineering and infrastructure associations. Additionally, Ron serves on ASTM C-13, E-60, F-17, and F-36 committees. An employee of AmeriTex Pipe & Products since 2016, Ron has over 24 years of experience in specification and selection of infrastructure materials.
5:00 PM (1.0 PDH)
Foundation Repair and Maintenance for Slab on Grade, Pier and Beam, and Block and Base Homes
Presented by Mr. Richard Solsberry, CFRS, CST, CCST and Mr. Shannon Gibbs with Olshan Foundation Repair
ABSTRACT: Mr. Richard Solsberry will help you understand the repair methods for multiple foundation types ranging from crawlspace to slab on grade to tilt wall foundations. Topics discussed will include crawlspace repair alternatives such as LumberKote and encapsulation; underpinning such as hybrid pressed pilings, concrete press pilings, tilt wall pilings, helical piles, and steel piles; carbon fiber repair methods; foundation elevations; polyurethane repair methods such as concrete jacking, bulkhead repair, and infrastructure repair; foundation watering systems; and basement repair methods.
BIO: Richard Solsberry has worked in the foundation repair industry for over 28 years. He is currently celebrating 10 years with Olshan Foundation Solutions of Houston. He has experience in project management for foundation repair, structural elevations, new construction, plumbing repairs, urethane installation, waterproofing and water management, drainage, and foundation management for the commercial, industrial and residential markets. Mr. Solsberry has the following certifications and training: Certified Foundation Repair Specialist (CFRS) by the National Foundation Repair Association (NFRA), Certified Structural Technician, Certified Commercial Structural Technician, Licensed Irrigator (LI #6298), Backflow Prevention Assemblies Tester (BPAT), and 10-Hour OSHA Training.