4:00 PM (1.0 PDH)
Geotechnical Instrumentation
Presented by Dr. James Namekar, P.E. with Geotech Engineering and Testing
BIO: Dr. James Namekar, P.E. is a Chief Engineer in geotechnical engineering at DAE & Associates, Ltd, dba Geotech Engineering and Testing (GET) with the responsibility for the daily operations of geotechnical and environmental engineering, data analyses and the preparation of report recommendations. He has 23 years of experience in the fields of geotechnical, environmental, materials and geoforensic engineering. His experience is in public infrastructure, including water, wastewater, roads, bridges, freeways, retaining walls, embankments, commercial and high-rise buildings, rail, parks, underground utilities, airports, ports, flood control channel, and subdivisions. His other experience includes planning and supervising geotechnical explorations, subsurface investigations, coordinate laboratory testing and analyze results, date review, report preparation and post-design services. His other experience includes research and development in the field of deep foundations, slope-stability, retaining walls, unsaturated soil mechanics. Mr. Namekar’s geotechnical experience has been in landslide investigations, static and seismic slope stability analysis for embankments, cut slopes, ground improvements, jet grouting, shallow and deep foundation design and special inspection, horizontal directional drilling, settlement, lateral earth pressure, rigid pavement design. He has a lot of experience with design of foundations on expansive soils. He has also been involved in conducting many environmental site assessment studies, including Phase I and II environmental site assessment studies.
ABSTRACT: Mr. James Namekar, Ph.D., P.E., will be discussing “Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring”. On many earthwork, foundation, excavation or failure assessment projects, instrumentation is an essential component of monitoring geotechnical performance. Instrumentation can range from simple such as settlement monitoring to more complex for projects such as tunnels, slopes or excavations next to sensitive structures. Instrumentation may also be needed for vibratory and impact loads during and post construction. Instrument data from the initial phase of a project may reveal the need to modify the design in later phases. Safety Instruments can provide early warning of impending failures, allowing time for safe evacuation of the area and time to implement remedial action. Legal Protection Instrument Data can provide evidence for a legal defense of designers and contractors should owners of adjacent properties claim that construction has caused damage. Various geotechnical monitoring instruments along with their applications will be discussed during this presentation.
5:00 PM (1.0 PDH)
Percent at Fault Assignment in Forensic Engineering
Presented by Mr. David Eastwood, P.E., D.GE, DFE, C.A.P.M., F.PTI, F.FPA, F.ASCE with Geotech Engineering and Testing
BIO: Mr. Eastwood has practiced consulting engineering for about 47 years, serving in key technical project management and administrative roles. His specialties are in geoforensics, geotechnical, environmental and materials engineering. Mr. Eastwood's experience in these functions include a wide range of project types, ranging from public infrastructure, public works, industrial facilities, commercial developments, residential developments to power plants, dams and marine terminals.
Mr. Eastwood conducts training in geotechnical, environmental, materials and geoforensic engineering for many agencies and associations.
David Eastwood is the past President of Houston Chapter of Texas Council for Engineering Laboratories. Furthermore, he is the founder and past president of Foundation Performance Association, an organization specializing in foundation failure evaluation. In addition, Mr. Eastwood has been certified as a Corrective Action Project Manager with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
Mr. Eastwood is the past President of the Academy of Distinguished Civil & Environmental Engineers at the University of Houston, Cullen College of Engineering. Mr. Eastwood is also a 2017 Member of Distinguished Alumni of College of Engineering at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering. Furthermore, Mr. Eastwood has been accepted as an Academy of Geo-Professionals (AGP) as a Diplomate, Geotechnical Engineer Fellow Member. In addition, he has been accepted as an American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Fellows Member. Mr. Eastwood is also a Fellow with Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI).
Mr. Eastwood received his Bachelor and Master Degrees in Civil Engineering from University of Houston in 1977 and 1978, respectively.
ABSTRACT: Mr. David Eastwood, P.E., D.GE, DFE, C.A.P.M., F.PTI, F.FPA, F.ASCE with Geotech Engineering and Testing will discuss the Percent at Fault Assignment in Forensic Engineering. Many clients want to know the percent at fault with a party in a lawsuit. The example project is a roadway in Texas that has experienced significant distress. Geotech Engineering and Testing (GET) was engaged to evaluate the causation for distress of the roadway. GET evaluated the causes of distress by design, construction, materials used in construction and wear and tear such as drainage and trees. Percent at fault was assigned to the parties involved. The presentation will outline the steps GET took to assign percent at fault.